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Tagliatelle al Ragu Bolognese

Tagliatelle al Ragu Bolognese

So no I'm not going to give you this recipe today? Why? Well for one because I didn't make it! and well two? because it's the recipe of someone else. Normally I take a recipe and try to make it my own in some way in this case ... it's pretty much perfect. The first...

Paupiette de Veau

Paupiette de Veau

Nothing to see here please move along! No amazing recipe, no major tips or tricks just a nice and simple Sunday lunch. I just had to look up what on earth these are in English. Veal Roulade? Veal Rounds? Veal Parcels? I've no idea. The plan was to have a simple Sunday...

The Burger of the Day!

The Burger of the Day!

I changed up the way I cook burgers recently ... ( OK the actual cooking of the burger is still pretty much the same but what I'm adding to them has changed a lot.) Whenever I'm in a restaurant if I see the standard burger on the menu I'll generally go meh unless...