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Val’s Cordon Bleu

Val’s Cordon Bleu

This is another of those Sunday lunch doesn’t need to be complicated recipes and it’s Turkey Cordon Bleu. I think I was the first one to make this chez nous. However Val made it the next time and really made it her own. The secret? Fresh Basil!!! Now this...
Jimmy’s Chicken Biryani

Jimmy’s Chicken Biryani

Dear friends I have an earth shattering confession to make!!! I don’t cook any of my own meals ( just kidding 😀 ) … Since I’ve started posting up my food blog posts 2 or 3 weeks ago I’ve kinda screwed up twice. Well tonight is counted as one of...
Chicken and Broccoli Pasta Bake

Chicken and Broccoli Pasta Bake

So tonight’s dinner is a joint effort between Val and myself. It’s also a follow on from Sunday’s roast chicken lunch which left us with a lot of chicken. Buying a nicer chicken is really worth it and getting a slightly larger one means you can end...
Jimmy’s Chilli Chicken Ramen Noodle Soup

Jimmy’s Chilli Chicken Ramen Noodle Soup

OK OK … the title is one big lie. I’m not using ramen noodles and it’s not chicken. One of the things I miss about living in Dublin ( I lived there a year ) is Wagamamas. If you don’t know the chain you’re missing out … it’s...
Jimmy’s Sunday Roast Chicken

Jimmy’s Sunday Roast Chicken

Growing up we could nearly always be sure that we’d sit down and have a proper Sunday lunch / dinner together as a family. Since Charlotte was born we’ve tried to do the same. There’s something about the smell of a roast throughout the house...