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Jimmy’s Fish Pie

Jimmy’s Fish Pie

There’s definitely something fishy about this dish!!! You knew I’d go there come on 🙂 I’ve previously mentioned I’m not a huge fan of fish, well this is a fish dish with multiple types of fish (ok only two in this case) For my version I’m...
Homemade fish fingers

Homemade fish fingers

Tonight is a bit of a cheat night (you knew I’d slip right?) … I have some really fond memories of Fish and Chips with my dad as a kid. Now that I’ve got kids of my own I like to think I’ll have some nice memories of fish and chips with them as...
Broccoli and Salmon Pasta

Broccoli and Salmon Pasta

So the biggest problem with this recipe is figuring out what to call it. Sometimes you find yourself just going … I want something quick and easy that the kids will eat with no hassle. For us this is one of those meals. It needs just 4 ingredients and it’s...