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Paupiette de Veau

Paupiette de Veau

Nothing to see here please move along! No amazing recipe, no major tips or tricks just a nice and simple Sunday lunch. I just had to look up what on earth these are in English. Veal Roulade? Veal Rounds? Veal Parcels? I’ve no idea. The plan was to have a simple...
Jimmy’s Fish Pie

Jimmy’s Fish Pie

There’s definitely something fishy about this dish!!! You knew I’d go there come on 🙂 I’ve previously mentioned I’m not a huge fan of fish, well this is a fish dish with multiple types of fish (ok only two in this case) For my version I’m...
Jimmy’s Sunday Roast Chicken

Jimmy’s Sunday Roast Chicken

Growing up we could nearly always be sure that we’d sit down and have a proper Sunday lunch / dinner together as a family. Since Charlotte was born we’ve tried to do the same. There’s something about the smell of a roast throughout the house...
Spinach and Potato Curry

Spinach and Potato Curry

This is a rather quick to prepare vegetarian curry that’s extremely tasty, it’s still going to take you around 40 minutes to make. Ingredients wise you’re going to want: 1 Garlic clove (large … or two small) Coriander Seeds (1 teaspoon) Tumeric...
Jimmy’s Savoury Mince

Jimmy’s Savoury Mince

I’m not going to lie here … the final result isn’t much to look at, it is however incredibly tasty and a crowd pleaser to boot. Not exactly something you’d do for a dinner party but for a night like tonight when it’s wet and miserable it...