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Jimmy’s Chilli Chicken Ramen Noodle Soup

Jimmy’s Chilli Chicken Ramen Noodle Soup

OK OK … the title is one big lie. I’m not using ramen noodles and it’s not chicken. One of the things I miss about living in Dublin ( I lived there a year ) is Wagamamas. If you don’t know the chain you’re missing out … it’s...
Jimmy’s Egg Fried Rice

Jimmy’s Egg Fried Rice

It’s Sunday … this means a few things … we’ve survived the kids for the weekend, it’s bath night, and we want something quick and simple for dinner. Enter my patent pending egg fried rice. This is a rather quick dish, very tasty and...
Homemade fish fingers

Homemade fish fingers

Tonight is a bit of a cheat night (you knew I’d slip right?) … I have some really fond memories of Fish and Chips with my dad as a kid. Now that I’ve got kids of my own I like to think I’ll have some nice memories of fish and chips with them as...
Broccoli and Salmon Pasta

Broccoli and Salmon Pasta

So the biggest problem with this recipe is figuring out what to call it. Sometimes you find yourself just going … I want something quick and easy that the kids will eat with no hassle. For us this is one of those meals. It needs just 4 ingredients and it’s...
A quick stir fry

A quick stir fry

I’m a bit of an internet cliche. I post pictures of the cats / babies / food on FB and Twitter constantly (and yet people still follow me). However people have been asking me for the recipes to the meals I cook so what the hell I might as well put them...