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This is one of those recipes that we don’t cook that often but when we do it’s always a huge success.

First thing is … get the oven on … 200C / 400F

Portion wise it’s up to you how much you want to make. I just chose to make 1 bundle per person it’s a week day and I generally don’t like eating too heavily for lunch.

Take 3 stems per person … (it’s about all the bacon could get around nicely as well and I’m only using one slice though you could obviously use 2 or more)

Break or chop off the woody ends and wash the main stem and pat them dry.

Wrap the bacon around the bundle .. place in tray. Repeat!

Drizzle some olive oil over and a sprinkle of salt and pepper (Remember your bacon is probably salty enough)

Raw Asparagus WrappedI nBacon

Into the oven for 10 – 14 minutes. I set a timer for 10 minutes so I could get the poached eggs on. At this stage it’ll all be about the thickness of your asparagus and how brown you want your bacon.

Asparagus wrapped in Bacon

Serve up with with a runny poached egg (2 minutes in boiling water) and it’s perfection.

Poached Egg and Bacon Wrapped Asparagus