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This is a rather quick to prepare vegetarian curry that’s extremely tasty, it’s still going to take you around 40 minutes to make.

Ingredients wise you’re going to want:

  • 1 Garlic clove (large … or two small)
  • Coriander Seeds (1 teaspoon)
  • Tumeric ( 1/2 – 1 teaspoon)
  • Red curry paste ( 2 teaspoons )
  • 1 red onion (A normal onion will work as well … red onion cooks quicker with less bite)
  • 1 small can / carton of coconut milk ( about 200ml )
  • A knob of Ginger ( 1 inch give or take)
  • 5 or 6 large ish potatoes
  • Frozen Spinach (10 or so cubes)
  • 1 Stock cube

While it’d be nice to use fresh spinach it’s going to be incredibly pricey as the amount you’ll require will be …. a LOT. With this we’re going to use 10 or 12 cubes at a cost of I’m not sure but well less than a euro… I’ve used chopped, frozen spinach. You could use non chopped but for us … little people aren’t fans of trying to munch away on spinach ( though they do love it)

So lets get started you’re going to want a red Thai curry paste … This is the one that’s available in our local SuperU, be careful as you can come across some extremely hot curry pastes, you’ll want to adjust depending on your paste.

Red Thai Curry Paste

You’re also going to need the other ingredients in the below picture (spot the missing ingredient)

Ingredients for the potato / Spinach Curry

That’s right the Tumeric isn’t in the picture 🙂

Into a pestle and mortar put your corriander seeds (1 teaspoon), ginger (a knob … 1 inch?),  garlic (1 clove) and crush them up into a nice paste ( no it’s probably not going to be a nice smooth paste) (If you don’t have a pestle and mortar … use the flat of your chefs knife to crush the seeds and just try to chop everything up together)

Crush with your Pestle and Mortar

Fry your spices in a pan with a bit of olive oil … add the tumeric (1/2 to 1 teaspoon) and 2 tea spoons of red Thai curry paste for around 1 minute … don’t burn it .. you just want to get the spices engaged.

Fry Your Spices

Add in your finely chopped onion.

Finely Chopped Red Onion

Chop your potato into small cubes around 1cm in size. The larger the longer it’s going to take to cook, you however still want to have a nice bite in the curry.

Cube Your potatoes

Add your coconut milk .. a stock cube .. and give or take 200ml of water.

Add Your Potatos and Stock Cube

Cover, bring to the boil and cook for 8 minutes. Then add your frozen spinach cubes.

Add Your Frozen Spinach

Cover again and cook for a further 15 or so minutes stirring occasionally. You’re going to end up with something resembling the following.

Spinach and potato Curry

Serve into bowls and if you’re lucky enough to have an IKEA close by throw in a hand full of dried / fried onions. ( Merci Val … who picked them up and I’ve only just tried tonight WOW )

IKEA Fried Onions

Hey presto … you’re done and enjoy 🙂

Potato and Spinach Curry With Dried Onions