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It’s Friday … my instincts tell me it’s fish day! Catholic upbringing? strong desire for fish and chips? who knows 🙂

Tonight I’m going cooking Red Thai Curry Salmon with Green Beans and rice. The way I make this is mild, the kids will be eating the exact same so it’s about flavour and not so much about kick. It’s going to take around 25 minutes give or take. You can also substitute in fresh green beans and fresh salmon.

Gathering up your ingredients there’s not a lot to it. (Ginger really is optional in this one the red thai curry paste has enough of a kick. The ginger just adds a slightly fresher taste to it.)

Gather your red thai curry ingredients

In my case I’m using a nice frozen piece of salmon (with skin on). I’m also using some bio Green Beans (cus I couldn’t find my normal ones though I think they taste extra nice)

To get started chop up your onion rather finely and throw it on the pan for 5+ minutes.

Finely chopped onion

Add your Frozen Salmon. If you’ve fresh salmon cut it up into nice sized pieces. In my case I see a bargain on salmon and I buy and freeze it for a red thai curry dish.

Skin side down salmon

I want to defrost the salmon and in my case I want to remove the skin as well. I’ll throw in a decent splash of water and put the lid on.

Throw the lid on the frying pan

After about 2 to 3 minutes steaming away, we should be able to take a wooden spoon, fork or knife and remove the skin nicely. The kids aren’t a fan of the skin. I’m not a fan of the skin. I’ll just end up removing it anyways so I might as well do it now. Your call really. It’s a completely optional step. You’ll want to flip the salmon over and gently push with the wooden spoon against the skin and if it’s defrosted enough it should just peel away.

Remove the skin

We’ll add a decent teaspoon of curry paste now. I may have mentioned it before but be careful with red thai curry pastes … some are insanely hot.

Add a heaped tea spoon of red thai chilli paste

Give it a good stir around and then add in the coconut milk.

Add the coconut milk

Now would be as good a time as any to get your rice on. For the 4 ( 2 adults 2 kids ) we’re going to have a bit over 200grammes of rice. If you’re entertaining it’s always better to cook more. You can always reuse the rice the next day.

measure your rice

Take 300 grammes of green beans .. ( this was just right for us )

300 Grammes of Green Beans

Add the green beans to the curry mix.

Add your green beans

Cover the mix giving it an occassional stir. Both this and the rice now need to cook.

cover the mix

Once it’s done, try a green bean … they should be “edible” 😛

Jimmy's red thai salmon curry

You’re ready. Serve and enjoy. This goes down a treat always with the kids, you might want to chop up the green beans, you’ll also want to check for bones in the fish.

Jimmy's served red thai curry salmon